The CHAZ & the virus & labs & bibliographies & a guy on a bike. The CHAZ and All That Jazz As monuments are toppling & state legislatures are agreeing to take down confederate state flags, a great mountain of indignation is pouring out of America. Even the meme “Democracy in a can” [tear gas can] was looking poignant. The lockdowns had given with one hand what corporations and bankers had for most of history taken away with the other: free time for engaging in politics as the payoff for having driven the system with crippling debt, plus lockdown during a pandemic. Mayors & governors were having to figure out which side they were going to dance for, the epidemiology probability models, or the oligarchs. Somewhere in between was the capacity for sweeping away what wasn't working & building something much, much better. Cynicism, made out of deprivation & a lack of nutrients in the basics [food, mutual care, time, quiet, money, art, consc...
When you wake up hungry. For trees & mountains & politics & science & coffee.