4. It will take about 30% of the time that it took to become in a distressed, burned out state, to rehabilitate the metabolic damage from distress. Thanks to my Dad for teaching me this principle early and often. From colds and flu, to surgery, this principle is helpful to me. This formula turns out to be more about what has already happened than what needs to happen in the future in order to regain good metabolic potential. For older persons the rehab might be practically the rest of your life. To make this workable, I use 7 years as a maximum since this formula is only useful if it helps you be patient with steady, but sometimes intermittent, improvement. Young people have a different problem with improving metabolism: their formative years were influenced by a more degraded food supply and exposure to more environmental estrogens. Younger people are more resilient, but their potential for metabolic robustness can be generally less. I s...
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